How do I become campaign fit? NGO fitness using the example of the “Packaging with Future” platform

European/Digital Public Affairs
Sandra Pechac, Plattformkoordinatorin Verpackung mit Zukunft

How can companies and organizations successfully represent their interests in an increasingly fast-moving, digital and polarizing environment? How can they become 'NGO-fit' and stand up to newly formed alliances? In times of fundamental socio-political transformation, new forms of public affairs and campaign work are needed in order to regain sovereignty over the interpretation of one's own concerns. The Packaging with Future platform is a showcase project for the success of open and interactive digital public affairs. In this interview, platform coordinator Sandra Pechac describes how the platform is set up and how it works. 

What distinguishes the Packaging with Future platform? 

Sandra Pechac: The Packaging with Future platform is an association of more than 20 companies along the packaging value chain. Its members include consumer goods manufacturers, packaging specialists, raw material processors and recycling and disposal companies. Their business activities are diverse. But they are united by a common basic attitude and overarching goals. In the platform, the companies join forces to set a common direction, promote exchange among themselves and with the public, and continue to develop both as a company and as an industry. In this way, the Packaging with Future platform differs significantly from traditional associations. 

How did the platform come about and what is its purpose?

Sandra Pechac: Plastic packaging in particular suffers from a bad reputation: one-sided reporting and negative imagery have characterized public perception for some time now. However, the problems associated with packaging are only part of the truth. One thing is clear: all unnecessary packaging should be avoided. What sometimes seems superfluous at first glance is in many cases not. This is because the use of the right packaging, when disposed of correctly, has a predominantly positive effect on the ecological balance of a product. The distorted image and the lack of information were a wake-up call for the industry to actively shape and take control of public communication on packaging issues again.

Greiner AG, the ALPLA Group and five other companies took the initiative and founded the Packaging With Future platform in 2019 with the support of PANTARHEI ADVISORS. The aim was and is to raise awareness among stakeholders, promote the exchange of knowledge within the platform, publicly commit to clear principles and always remain transparent and open to new points of contact. 

Educational work and public positioning require target group-oriented communication. How does the platform communicate its content?

Sandra Pechac: On the one hand, the platform uses various online channels that are characterized by specific channel strategies and thus reach different target groups. The communication formats include regular in-house publications such as blog posts on the website, social media postings and various video formats. With our content, we primarily draw attention to the need to close the packaging cycle. We want to reach companies, stakeholders and decision-makers along the value chain, inform them about our activities, enter into a fact-based dialog and, ideally, enter into partnerships. However, educating consumers is also important to us. Among other things, we want to raise awareness of the importance of packaging in everyday life and emphasize the relevance of packaging waste as a raw material. People need to be motivated to dispose of waste correctly and separately so that the cycle can be closed. Here we rely on particularly approachable and fact-oriented formats with recognition value.

In addition to our online presence, the platform also relies on personal communication - at conferences, stakeholder dialogues, panel discussions and direct educational events such as the platform's own pop-up stand. This is primarily used to raise awareness among consumers about the correct use of packaging and to provide information on various topics such as food waste, PET recycling, innovative packaging design and the circular economy. 

Our communication has a campaign character, which is demonstrated by the recurring formats, the uniform design and the content focus over longer periods of time. Thanks to the strategically planned implementation of communication measures, we have been able to achieve a continuous increase in our reach.

The interlocking of organizational structure, mindset and skills are key factors for the success of modern public affairs projects. What experiences has the Packaging with Future platform had with this? 

Sandra Pechac: As the number of members has grown steadily over the years, it has become necessary to manage the platform centrally. That is also my main task. The organizational threads come together in my office and I take care of the operational implementation of the communication measures. This optimizes the communicative output with minimal use of resources and minimizes the effort for the companies. This allows them to focus their involvement in the platform more on cooperation with other members and potential new players.

The platform thrives on dynamism and is characterized by internal and external interaction. We bring the member companies together as often as possible and provide opportunities for dialog and collaboration in various settings and committees. Our general meeting takes place three times a year, where representatives of all companies can come together and exchange ideas. Once a year, we organize the platform's CEO Summit, where strategic development is discussed. Political topics can also be discussed there. At the CEO Summit 2021, for example, there was a keynote speech from the responsible federal ministry followed by a discussion on current, politically relevant topics and an outlook on what will be important in the future. This offers added value for all sides, as the platform brings together the entire value chain and expertise.

What is planned for the future of the platform? How will it develop further? 

Sandra Pechac: The platform is constantly changing and adapting to the challenges of the political and communicative environment. At the end of last year, a group of member companies came together under the umbrella of the platform to work together on lighthouse projects. Together, they are exploring ways and opportunities for cooperation in order to create sustainable and circular solutions. This involves rethinking existing applications and developing new products.

We are also currently expanding our range of members. With the new special category for start-ups, we are explicitly looking for disruptive ideas and solutions. The aim is to create a space in which expertise and resources can meet innovative strength and fresh thinking. Increased cooperation with retailers is also on the agenda. The Packaging with Future platform is increasingly active and visible beyond Austria's borders. We are certainly looking forward to the challenges ahead.